Ave Maria Fabric
Handmade Catholic accessories for daily use featuring the Ave Maria prayer in...
Be Still and Know that I am God fabric
Handmade Catholic accessories for daily use featuring the Scripture verse, "Be still...
Book Sleeves
A limited collection of Catholic- inspired fabric book sleeves for every day...
Catholic-fabric Tote bags
I am phasing out the crossbody strap purses due to supply shortages...
Divine Mercy Fabric
Handmade Catholic accessories for daily use featuring "Jesus, I trust in You"...
Featured handmade
New items in the shop Limited fabric choices and designs Always handmade...
Final fabrics
Handmade Catholic accessories for daily use featuring the final yards of fabric...
Hail Mary fabric
Handmade Catholic accessories for daily use featuring the Hail Mary prayer in...
Hidden Rosary fabric
Handmade Catholic accessories for daily use featuring a pale blue rosary hidden...
Latin Eucharistic Adoration fabric
Handmade Catholic accessories for daily use featuring .Eucharistic symbols and words in...
Limited Selection
Limited selection of Christian home decor and Catholic fabric items -Includes all...
Memorare fabric
Handmade Catholic accessories for daily use featuring the Memorare prayer.
Mother Teresa quoted fabrics
These patterns feature Mother Teresa's (St. Teresa of Calcutta) inspirational quotes of...
Our Lady of Guadalupe Fabric
Handmade Catholic accessories for daily use inspired by Our Lady of Guadalupe
Paperback Journals
A collection of paperback journals to reflect on your life through intentional...
Print at Home
Printable Adoration Journals and Gratitude Journals for personal use to print at...
Rosary Pouches
These pouches are versatile. They are roomy for rosaries of any size...
Sacred Heart and Miraculous Medal
Handmade Catholic accessories for daily use featuring the images of the Sacred...
St. Therese of Lisieux fabric
Handmade Catholic accessories for daily use featuring St. Therese of Lisieux fabric